ChyronHego has announced the appointment of Marco Lopez as CEO. The company’s former president and CEO, Johan Apel, will continue serving the company as executive chairman of the board with an emphasis on ChyronHego’s market leadership in sports solutions.
ChyronHego Announces Agreement to Be Acquired by Vector Capital for $2.82 per Share . Melville, NY -- (November 17, 2014) employees and stockholders,” said Johan Apel, ChyronHego President & CEO.
Adresse. Tiurvegen 24 12 jan. 2018 — avslöjar ChyronHego att Lopez nu tillträder som företagets CEO. Även här har ett tronbyte skett, då CH:s tidigare vd Johan Apel nu axlar Marco Lopez rekryteras av ChyronHego · Patrik Blomqvist · Branschnyhet. Lämnade nyligen Grass Valley – blir nu grafik- och visualiseringsspecialistens CEO ger dig information om befattningar om Johan Apel. Se hans officiella befattningar (24) och relationer (20) i näringslivet - och vilka branscher Johan Apel Ing på Chyronhego ab.
2014-04-27 · Since taking over as ChyronHego's CEO on Jan. 1, Johan Apel has been tweaking the picture at the broadcast graphics and data visualization pioneer. In that time, ChyronHego has acquired or taken a maj Johan Apel (President & CEO at ChyronHego) discusses their latest acquisitions and their role within the industry with on air graphics. Johan discusses how C Johan Apel is listed as an insider in the following companies: CHYR / Chyronhego Corp Insiders are officers, directors, or significant investors in a company. It is illegal for insiders to make trades in their companies based on specific, non-public information. Vendor View, Johan Apel, ChyronHego By Staff 07 September 2014 Expected tech trends : 4K is sure to be a hot topic at this year’s IBC Show as Ultra HD resolution becomes a future-proof testing ground for many broadcasters, and a reality for a small group of others. ger dig information om befattningar om Johan Apel. Se hans officiella befattningar (24) och relationer (20) i näringslivet - och vilka branscher Johan Apel är aktiv i.
AB Skrot Johan Invest · AB SKROTJOHAN INVEST · AB Skruvat Reservdelar Apeiron Förlags AB · Apel - Forskning och utveckling i arbetsplatslärande
2014-04-27 · Since taking over as ChyronHego's CEO on Jan. 1, Johan Apel has been tweaking the picture at the broadcast graphics and data visualization pioneer. In that time, ChyronHego has acquired or taken a maj Johan Apel (President & CEO at ChyronHego) discusses their latest acquisitions and their role within the industry with on air graphics.
AB Skrot Johan Invest · AB SKROTJOHAN INVEST · AB Skruvat Reservdelar Apeiron Förlags AB · Apel - Forskning och utveckling i arbetsplatslärande
ChyronHego AB - Hitta nyheter, ekonomiska siffror, kontaktuppgifter, nyckeltal, bokslut, styrelse, koncernträd och så mycket mer på Bakom satsningen står också Johan Apel, som bland annat har vunnit det prestigefulla Emmypriset i medieteknologi under sin tid som VD för ChyronHego – det Moderbolag: ChyronHego AB Johan Peter Ingolf Apel med 12 bolag. Moderbolag är ChyronHego AB och koncernmoderbolag är Vector CH (Lux) 3 Sarl. Johan Pharmanson har 168 st bolagsengagemang, varav det med högst omsättning är Huvudansvarig revisor; ChyronHego AB Apel, Johan Peter Ingolf ChyronHego Finland Oy. Adress: Rantatie 306. FI-91510 Rova. Besöksadress: Uutiskatu 5.
and Chairman at ZXY Sport Tracking AS.Mr. Apel was previously employed as Chief Executive Officer by Hego AB and Chief Executive Officer & Director by Svenska TRACAB AB.He received his undergraduate degree from Mälardalen University and a graduate degr ee from Mälardalen University. Johan Apel, chief executive of ChyronHego Corp., of Melville. Credit: ChyronHego Corp.
Johan Apel · Executive Chairman | Emmy award winning media & tech executive · Activity · Experience · Education · People also viewed · Others named Johan Apel. Avis des employés ChyronHego.
Johan discusses how C
Johan Apel is listed as an insider in the following companies: CHYR / Chyronhego Corp Insiders are officers, directors, or significant investors in a company. It is illegal for insiders to make trades in their companies based on specific, non-public information. Vendor View, Johan Apel, ChyronHego By Staff 07 September 2014 Expected tech trends : 4K is sure to be a hot topic at this year’s IBC Show as Ultra HD resolution becomes a future-proof testing ground for many broadcasters, and a reality for a small group of others. ger dig information om befattningar om Johan Apel.
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26 May 2016 ChyronHego just confirmed to MMW a partnership with XOS Digital, scout preparation,” said Johan Apel, president and CEO of ChyronHego.
Johan discusses how C Johan Apel is listed as an insider in the following companies: CHYR / Chyronhego Corp Insiders are officers, directors, or significant investors in a company. It is illegal for insiders to make trades in their companies based on specific, non-public information.
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With our recent acquisition by Vector Capital, ChyronHego is well-equipped to take a lead role in that consolidation and the industry’s IT transformation,” said Johan Apel (pictured), president and CEO, ChyronHego.
2002. Dotterbolag till: Chyronhego Norge AS (NO). Notering: Ej noterat. Bransch/SNI 1: B63 INFORMATIONSTJÄNSTER · - 63110 Databehandling, hosting o.d. Sten Johan Pharmanson. Född 1964. Befattningsinformation · Alla ChyronHego AB · Gårdaverken AB · EF Cultural Tours Johan Peter Ingolf Apel 16 företag Koncernmoder: Vector CH (Lux) 3 Sarl.