EASA SIB No: 2010-17 This is information only. Recommendations are not mandatory. EASA Form 117 Page 2/3 Recommendations: Owners and operators of turbine powered aeroplanes and helicopters are recommended to take the following actions, in


recommendation included in EASA SIB 2015-04” 23 May 2016 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) launched an online survey to assess the effectiveness of the 2-persons-in-the-cockpit recommendation included in EASA Safety Information Bulletin (SIB) 2015-04. SIB No.

Före första flygning för dagen skall en  img EASA Form 117 - SIB Template - Transportstyrelsen img; TSFS 2012:50 - Transportstyrelsen img TSFS 2012:50 - Transportstyrelsen img; Transportstyrelsen  del Den 9 december lade Easa fram ett säkerhetsinformationsblad SIB nr: om de potentiella risker som är förknippade med de påstådda kontrollbedrägerierna  pA DAF gti /Y VE PS SMM L 7 he Fg rict Sib LLU Se S bas wits] SALI et Jans isles SND SNe GA Ss UAW S Sail SUT BLM EASA Meat YALA,  EASA Airworthiness Directives Publishing Tool. 2021-01-14 Aeroplanes Equipped With Certain Continental Motors Engines - The Improper Maintenance and/or Installation of F&M Enterprises, Inc., and Stratus Tool Technologies, LLC, Oil Filter Adapters Note: This SIB is issued in the context of the return to normal operations (RNO) project with the aim to provide guidance on aerodrome operations following complete closure, downsizing or progressively increasing operations from minimal traffic. Revision: This SIB revises EASA SIB 2020-07R1 dated 17 July 2020. Ref. Publications: EASA has issued this SIB, providing recommendations to the NAAs and Aircraft and Aerodrome operators in order to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19 (see Note 1 of this SIB). Note 1: On 12 February 2020, the novel coronavirus was renamed “severe acute respiratory The European Union Aviation Safety Agency published a Safety Information Bulletin containing operational recommendations related to the vaccination of air crew.

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EASA har publicerat en SIB gällande GPS Week Rollover som sker 2019-04-06 23:59:42 UTC. GPS-systemet bygger på utsändning av en signal från GPS-satelliterna tillsammans med information om tidpunkten när signalen skickades iväg. whether the airworthiness concern described in this SIB can be considered an unsafe condition that would warrant Airworthiness Directive (AD) action under EU 748/2012, Part 21.A.3B. Recommendations: EASA recommends that the flight crew should be made aware of the following guidance: 1. When an RA occurs, the pilot flying (PF) shall respond EASA SIB No: 2012-04 This is information only.

EASA SIB Airworthiness – Aircraft Maintenance Programme under Part-ML. IFA Comment: It’s time to check if maintenance instructions identified in the aircraft maintenance manuals, or equivalent document should be identified as mandatory instructions.

Weiterhin sollte dieses Verfahren die Kontrolle der Flügel- und EASA, working alongside members of AEMT, have published the second in a series of studies that examine the effect rewinding has on an electric motor's efficiency.This study, which focuses on Premium Efficiency/IE3 motors, supports similar results found in the 2003 study: Motors can be repaired without reducing efficiency. RE: EASA SIB No.: 2018-04 Subject: Environmentally Assisted Cracking in certain Aluminum Alloys The Safety Information Bulletin (SIB) states that some new 7XXX series alloys have sensitivity to a phenomenon known as Environmentally Assisted Cracking (EAC), when subjected to certain conditions in the normal operating environment.

EASA SIB No: 2010-26R1 This is information only. Recommendations are not mandatory. EASA Form 117 Page 2/2 “Recommendations for De-Icing / Anti-Icing of Aircraft on the Ground”, and AEA “Training Recommendations and Background Information for De-Icing /Anti-Icing of Aircraft on

Easa sib

2011-08-15 · Tech Log - EASA sib useless ? - Hi, Monitoring of Take-Off Slats/Flaps Settings during Departure EASA sib-Fatigue.pdf The EASA sib introduction Verordening van de Commissie van 19 december 2016 met betrekking tot de gebrekkige effectieve naleving van Verordening (EG) nr. 216/2008 van het Europees Parlement en de Raad en de uitvoeringsvoorschriften daarvan voor wat betreft de certificaten die zijn afgegeven door Hellenic Aviation Training Academy (HATA), en deel 66-bevoegdheidsbewijzen die op basis daarvan zijn afgegeven, PB L 348 van This material supports the Safety Information Bulletin (SIB) that was issued on 27/ 01/2020, giving recommendations to national aviation authorities, airlines and  Aug 12, 2020 EASA warns for pitot obstructions after COVID-19-storage The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) warns maintenance organisations to EASA SIB 2020-14 · FAA requires additional post-storage B737 engi Jan 27, 2020 Confirm revision status through the EASA-Internet/Intranet. An agency of the European Union. Page 1 of 2. Safety Information Bulletin.

Easa sib

Mar 27, 2020 EASA SIB 2020-05 - Aircraft Maintenance Programme under Part-ML EASA have published Safety Information Bulletin (SIB) 2020-05 which is  28 sept. 2018 OSAC publie un Flash Réglementaire relatif à la prise en compte des "Safety Information Bulletin" publiés par l'EASA à l'attention des  Feb 10, 2014 E-mail: ADs@easa.europa.eu. Page 2. 1.
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Easa sib

EASA Form 117 Page 2/3 Revision 1 of SIB 2011-01 was issued to mainly clarify that, if approved for the particular engine types, unleaded Avgas UL 91 may be used as well when the aeroplane is already approved for operation with Mogas as indicated above.

Recommendations. Revision: This SIB revises EASA SIB 2020-02R2 dated 28 February  EASA SIB No: 2014-32 EASA Safety Information Bulletin SIB No.: Issued: 2014- 32 09 December 2014 Subject: Safety Information Related to Alleged  Jul 24, 2020 Aligning with other EASA publications – SDs, SIB, Guidance.
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EASA SIB nr 2018-18R1 - Dynamic Rollout during Hoisting and/or External Sling Load Operations 07.09.2018: EASA SIB nr 2018-12 - Post de-icing/anti-icing checks 07.09.2018: EASA SIB nr 2018-11 - Engine Fire Extinguishing -Wire Chafing in Pylon 07.09.2018: EASA SIB nr 2018-10 -Super Absorbant Polymers (SAP) Contamination of Jet Fuel

EASA Form 117 Page 2/4 OFF). Confirm proper function of the inhibit logic for the bulk erase. ED-112 recommends further to check the serviceability and calibration of the measuring and processing chain from sensors to recorders as determined by the system analysis. EASA har uppdaterat en tidigare publicerad Safety Information Bulletin om bränder orsakade av Lithium-batterier i bärbar elektronisk utrustning.

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For these reasons, taking into account that these vaccines are new pharmacological products, EASA issued the current SIB providing recommendations for the National Competent Authorities (NCAs), aircraft operators, aero-medical centres (AeMCs), aero-medical examiners (AMEs) and aircrew members in order to ensure that the side effects described above do not interfere with the completion of any

-operational rules, and more i downloadsdelen av detta nummer.