2021年2月14日 X-MOL科学知识平台,顶级期刊论文图文内容每日更新,海内外课题组信息,行业 新闻文摘,化学类网址导航,化学软件和数据库导航,及更多
2021年2月14日 X-MOL科学知识平台,顶级期刊论文图文内容每日更新,海内外课题组信息,行业 新闻文摘,化学类网址导航,化学软件和数据库导航,及更多
Entries which contained nothing as text part can be found by using 'unknown' as a keyword. You may also directly ask the database by sending requests like: http://www.crystallography.net/cod/result.php?text1=heulandite . Selecting elements (up to 8), allows for an inclusive search (compounds with other elements are not excluded). Browse the COD Browse by the journal of publication: Acta Crystallographica Section E Inorganic Chemistry Organometallics Journal of the American Chemical Society Formula: - Al2 O3 - Comments: Lutterotti, L; Scardi, P Simultaneous structure and size-strain refinement by the Rietveld method Journal of Applied Crystallography 23 (1990) 246-252 Space group: R -3 c :H Cell volume: 255.1 Cell parameters: 4.7605; 4.7605; 12.9956; 90; 90; 120; Updating 13213 AMCSD CIFs, taking new data from the AMCSD database and adding the assigned AMCSD numbers.
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The COD currently contains ∼80 000 entries in crystallographic information file format, with nearly full coverage of the International Union of The Crystallography Open Database incorporates a continuously increasing number of deter mined crystal structures, reaching > 367000 entries at the time of writing this article (fig. 1). The Content of Crystaleye has moved to Crystallography Open Database. Entry date 2013-02-22 BCS: Bilbao Crystallographic Server of crystallographic symmetry information: BMCD: Biological Macromolecule Crystallization Database: Crystallography Open Database: Open-access collection of crystal structures of organic, inorganic, metal-organic compounds and minerals, excluding biopolymers: CSD: Cambridge Structural Database of organic and metal-organic structures Crystallography Open Database (COD): an open-access collection of crystal structures and platform for world-wide collaboration Saulius Grazˇulis1,2,*, Adriana Dasˇkevicˇ1, Andrius Merkys1 Crystallography Open Database has 546 members.
Updating 13213 AMCSD CIFs, taking new data from the AMCSD database and adding the assigned AMCSD numbers. 9012304.cif: 966: 2010-01-30: cif/ Adding _cod_database_code tags to all COD entries. Adding tag description to the cif_cod.dic dictionary so that COD entries can be validated. 9012304.cif: 903: 2009-11-23: cif/
dazzler/1 1. dazzling/8 1. dbl.
Content of Crystaleye has moved to Crystallography Open Database. Entry date 2013-02-22
HKL data. Original IUCr paper. Formula: - C43 H43 As2 O12 P Ru3 - Comments: bin Shawkataly, Omar; Alam, Mohd.Gulfam; Yeap, Chin Sing; Fun, Hoong-Kun [μ-Bis(diphenylarsanyl)methane-1:2κ^2^As:As']nonacarbonyl-1κ^3^C,2κ^3^C,3κ^3^C-(triisopropyl phosphite-3κP)-triangulo-triruthenium(0) Acta Crystallographica Section E 67(5) (2011) … COD ID Links Formula Space group Cell parameters Cell volume Bibliography; 1000001: CIF: C107 H142 N14 O26: P 21 21 21: 48.48; 21.72; 10.74 90; 90; 90: 11309.1 How to use the Crystallography Open Database (COD) to search for and download crystal structure information including cif files. Crystallography Open Database (COD): an open-access collection of crystal structures and platform for world-wide collaboration Nucleic acids research, 2012 Daniel Chateigner Crystallography Open Database - PubChem data source information. Find all the data submitted to PubChem by Crystallography Open Database. This application requires Javascript. The Crystallography Open Database (COD), which is a project that aims to gather all available inorganic, metal–organic and small organic molecule structural data in one database, is described.
The database adopts an open-access model. The COD currently contains 80 000 entries in crystallographic
Crystallography Open Database (COD): An open-access collection of crystal structures and platform for world-wide collaboration November 2011 Nucleic Acids Research 40(Database issue):D420-7
Welcome to Crystallography Open Database wiki.. We are about to share news, future prospects here. Also we expect to receive comments regarding our work from YOU. Some parts of original COD web page will be moved here, including:. Creating an SQL database
How to query the COD database.
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Crystallography Open Database (COD): An open-access collection of crystal structures and platform for world-wide collaboration The Crystallography Open Database incorporates a continuously increasing number of deter mined crystal structures, reaching > 367000 entries at the time of writing this article (fig. 1). The Crystallography Open Database (COD) [English] Repository Type. Disciplinary. Description.
procedure to test all possible crystal structures from the Crystallography Open Database, rank them and find the more probable
Dear Crystallographers, a project of Crystallography Open Database. (COD), accommodating crystal structure atomic coordinates prior to their publication, is
Open-access collection of crystal structures of organic, inorganic, metal-organics compounds and minerals, excluding biopolymers. Including data and software
Crystallography Open Database A well-established standard file structure for the archiving and distribution of crystallographic information, CIF is in regular use
Mar 20, 2017 OU Chemical Crystallography Lab Links page.
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Öppen databas för kristallografi - Crystallography Open Database Den kristallografi Open Database ( COD ) är en databas med
cif applications Journal of Applied Crystallography Open Database – an open-access Crystallography collection of crystal structures ISSN 0021-8898 Saulius Grazˇulis,a* Daniel Chateigner,b Robert T. Downs,c A. F. T. Yokochi,d Received 24 October 2008 Miguel Quiro´s,e Luca Lutterotti,f Elena Manakova,a Justas Butkus,a Peter Moeckg Accepted 4 May 2009 and Armel Le Bailh a Institute of The crystallography of petzite, Ag3AuTe2 American Mineralogist 44 (1959) 693-701 Space group: I 41 3 2 Cell volume: 1118.39 Cell parameters: 10.38; 10.38; 10.38; 90; 90; 90; COD ID: 9000085 CIF file 2009-08-01 2012-01-01 The Crystallography Open Database (COD), which is a project that aims to gather all available inorganic, metal–organic and small organic molecule structural data in one database, is described. The database adopts an open-access model. The COD currently contains 80 000 entries in crystallographic Crystallography Open Database (COD): An open-access collection of crystal structures and platform for world-wide collaboration November 2011 Nucleic Acids Research 40(Database issue):D420-7 Welcome to Crystallography Open Database wiki.. We are about to share news, future prospects here.
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Entries which contained nothing as text part can be found by using 'unknown' as a keyword. You may also directly ask the database by sending requests like: http://www.crystallography.net/cod/result.php?text1=heulandite . Selecting elements (up to 8), allows for an inclusive search (compounds with other elements are not excluded).
Also we expect to receive comments regarding our work from YOU. Some parts of original COD web page will be moved here, including: Creating an SQL database.