European law journal [Elektronisk resurs]. ISSN 1468-0386; Publicerad: 1995-; Publicerad: [Oxford] : Blackwell Publishers; Engelska. E-tidskrift. Ämnesord.


European Law Journal (Journal) · Minssen, Timo (Reviewer). 4 May 2013. Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work types › Peer review of manuscripts 

Source: European Law Journal; March 2011, Vol. 6 Se Jürgen Schwarze, ”Tendencies towards a Common Administrative Law in Europe”, European Law Review [1991] s. 3–19 vid s. 4 ff. En omfattande studie  Source: European Constitutional Law Review. Source: The Future of EU Criminal Justice Policy and Practice : Legal and Criminological Perspecives - Legal  European Law. Journal, 19, 488–501. Burley, Anne-Marie & Walter Mattli (1993).

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Revista de Derecho; Europe. European Competition Law Review; European Intellectual Property Review; European Journal of International Law; Oil, Gas and Energy Law; Utrecht Journal of International and European Law; Germany. German Law Journal The European Law Review is the principal English-language journal covering the law relating to European integration and the Council of Europe. While preserving the highest academic standards, the Review also caters for the needs of those involved in the practice and administration of the law. The Groningen Journal of European Law (GJEL) is a peer reviewed and open-access journal. The journal is led by advanced students and researchers of the University of Groningen, and is supported by the university’s European and Economic Law Department. We publish analytical articles within the dynamic and wide-ranging scope of European Union law.

av N Karlson — Social Security of the Council of Europe, as well as case law from the Court of Justice of the European Journal of International Relations, 13(2), 217–238.

J Lindholm. Sören Öman har samlat referenser till arbetsrättslig litteratur publicerad i bl.a. European Law Journal.

THE MAKING OF LABOUR LAW IN EUROPE—A COMPARATIVE of Democracy, 3(4) European Journal of Political Theory 433 (2004).

European law journal

WorldLII  European Journal of Law and Economics 6, 69–81CrossRefGoogle Scholar. Alexandersson, G. & Hultén, S. (1999).

European law journal

The entire editorial board of the European Law Journal, along with its two top editors, has quit over a dispute about  7 Feb 2020 Former editors-in-chief at European Law Journal say the departure of editorial boards raises issue about 'who owns' scholarly journals. 23 Jul 2017 Notably, this issue's authors are based at universities and research institutes located in six European countries: Marija Bartl @ the University of  21 Jun 2006 Deakin, Simon F., Legal Diversity and Regulatory Competition: Which Model for Europe?. European Law Journal, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 440-454  22 Oct 2018 This guide was originally published in the Winter 2005 issue of Law Library Journal. It has since been updated regularly. The article runs  The European Journal of Law and Economics is a bimonthly peer-reviewed academic journal covering law and economics. with a focus on European countries.
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European law journal

J Morijn - European Law Journal, 2006. Publicering, h5-index, h5-median. 1. European Law Journal, 26, 48.

Titel, European Law Journal (Tidskrift). Person och roll. Jacob Öberg - redaktionsmedlem. Beskrivning, Member of the Scientific Committe.
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This European law journal has detailed analyses of constitutional and administrative law throughout the phases of European integration and legal development

The European Constitutional Law Review (EuConst), a peer-reviewed English- language journal, is a platform for advancing the study of European constitutional   European Law Journal · Essential Science Indicators Field · Published by · Review policy on Publons · Reviews · Interested in reviewing for this journal? · Editorial  4 Feb 2020 On January 31st, the Editorial and Advisory Boards of the European Law Journal resigned en masse from their positions in protest after the  federalisation: Which democracy for the future of Europe?" Forthcoming, Special Issue on Federalism and Democracy in EU Context, European Law Journal  It falls within the scope of the Jean Monnet Chair entitled “Citizenship of rights: European citizenship as the fundamental status of nationals of the Member States”  Access all Online First articles here. Contact Us. European Journal of Legal Studies c/o European University Institute, Law Department Villa Salviati, Via  Publikation, h5-Index, h5-Median. 1.

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Climate change and the European Union's leadership moment: an inconvenient truth? CF Parker, C C Karlsson. European Law Journal 14 (5), 604-619, 2008.

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