After the end of the Second World War, diplomatic relations between West Germany and Poland had ceased. In 1970, German Chancellor Willy Brandt travelled to Warsaw and decided to make a historic gesture: in front of the Monument to the Ghetto Heroes, he dropped to his knees in order to beg forgiveness for the crimes of the Nazi era.


Willy Brandt (18. desember 1913–8. oktober 1992) var ein tysk politikar på venstresida, og rikskanslar (statsminister) i Forbundsrepublikken Tyskland frå 1969 til 1974. Han fekk Nobels fredspris i 1971 for arbeidet sitt med å betre tilhøvet til DDR , Polen og Sovjetunionen .

German: Nobel Lecture, December 11, 1971 (Translation) Peace Policy in Our Time. I. The Nobel Peace Prize for 1971 has been awarded to a man still active in political life; therefore, it can only have been in appreciation of his … 2016-09-23 Herbert Ernst Karl Frahm (Willy Brandt), politician, born Lubeck 18 December 1913, Norwegian Press Attache Berlin 1945-48, Member Bundestag 1949-57, 1969-87, Chief Editor Berliner Stadtblatt 1950 Willy Brandt supports him and soon comes to be known as “Reuter’s man.” Their demand is that the western powers must under no circumstances ever give up the city. At a meeting of the SPD leaders in Hannover, Brandt declares on 30 June 1948 “that the rescue of Berlin (…) also signifies the guarantee of establishing democracy in the West.” Willy Brandt, who died 25 years ago, fought Hitler and fascists in Europe, helped to reconcile East and West and worked to bring industrial and developing countries together. Brandt had a vision Schlagabtausch Germany Poland and Germany: 50 years since Willy Brandt's historic gesture. On December 7, 1970, German Chancellor Willy Brandt fell to his knees at the memorial to the Warsaw Ghetto.

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december 1913, Lübeck, † 8. oktober 1992, Unkel pri Bonnu.. Politik, državnik, idealist, vizionar nemške politike, briljanten govorec, imenovali so ga tudi nemški Kennedy, saj se je zgledoval po njem v novem slogu nastopanja v javnosti ter v medijskih kampanjah. Willy Brandt (eredeti nevén Herbert Ernst Karl Frahm, Lübeck, 1913. december 18. – Unkel, 1992.

Willy Brandt (Lübeck, 18. prosinca 1913. – Unkel kod Bonna, 8. listopada 1992.), njemački političar i državnik. Dobitnik je Nobelove nagrade za mir 1971. godine za rad na poboljšanju odnosa s Njemačkom Demokratskom Republikom, Poljskom i Sovjetskim Savezom.

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He was awarded … Willy Brandt with Guillaume, 1974 Günter Guillaume (1 February 1927 – 10 April 1995) was an intelligence agent for East Germany 's secret service, the Stasi , in West Germany .

Brandt ansågs vara i fara för att gripas, bland annat efter att ha talat för en stor samling i Holstenhalle i Lübeck i februari 1933 om vikten av gemensam kamp mot fascismen.
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Willy Brandt (German: [ˈvɪliː ˈbʁant] (); born Herbert Ernst Karl Frahm; 18 December 1913 – 8 October 1992) was a German politician and statesman who was leader of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) from 1964 to 1987 and served as Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) from 1969 to 1974.

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26. Juli 2020 Vogel übernahm 1983 den Vorsitz der SPD-Bundestagsfraktion, 1987 dann zusätzlich den Parteivorsitz von Willy Brandt. Beschreibung 

Se hela listan på Willy Brandt (Lübeck, 18. prosinca 1913. – Unkel kod Bonna, 8. listopada 1992.), njemački političar i državnik. Dobitnik je Nobelove nagrade za mir 1971. godine za rad na poboljšanju odnosa s Njemačkom Demokratskom Republikom, Poljskom i Sovjetskim Savezom.