Learn the translation for ‘bolas’ in LEO’s English ⇔ German dictionary. With noun/verb tables for the different cases and tenses links to audio pronunciation and relevant forum discussions free vocabulary trainer


Bolas Translation On Other Language: English Vietnamese Polish Bulgarian. Bolas in English. cord or leather thong with stones attached to each end; second cord with stone is attached to the center of the first to create a three-pronged weapon; weapon is spun …

(Upon getting into a cold swimming pool and having the water kiss the underside of your scrotus): Aaah, mis bolas! by Ian Chode August 24,  Need to translate "bolas" from Spanish? Here's what it means. Bola meaning A rope with weights attached, used especially in South America to catch cattle or game by entangling their legs.

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1). See more. Set some time apart to test your bracket symbol knowledge, and see if you can keep your parentheses, squares, curlies, and angles all straight! Check 'bola' translations into English. Look through examples of bola translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar.

Oct 21, 2018 Bola-Bola to Filipinos means meatballs. As I mixed the meatball mixture into the large bowl, I counted the many blessings I was grateful for this 

Set some time apart to test your bracket symbol knowledge, and see if you can keep your parentheses, squares, curlies, and angles all straight! Contextual translation of "bola lisut" into English. Human translations with examples: ball, piston, baseball, ball size, metaballs, ball pump, badminton, ball style. English Spanish online dictionary Tureng, translate words and terms with different pronunciation options.

You need a ball along with the bat to hit a six. OpenSubtitles2018.v3. Gudang penyimpanan mereka luasnya 3 kali padang bola sepak. Their warehouse is the size of 3 football fields. OpenSubtitles2018.v3. Dengan melihat wajah ibu saya, Saya tahu impian saya untuk bermain bola …

Bolas in english

I don't need to put hemorrhoid cream on my ballsack, wanda. Intentó tocar mis bolas. Many translated example sentences containing "show de bola" – English-Portuguese dictionary and search engine for English translations. bolas translation in English-Danish dictionary. A throwing weapon made of weights on the ends of interconnected cords, designed to capture animals by entangling their legs. ‘Similar to a miniature bola, it is made of two small balls, stones, or shells wrapped in red cloth or paper and tied to a silk thread.’ More example sentences ‘There are leather softeners that can be used to soften the cords if you plan to throw this bola.’ Translate bola into English.

Bolas in english

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Collect the vocabulary that you want to remember while using the dictionary. The items that you have collected will be displ A bolas (plural: bolas or bolases; from Spanish bola, "ball", also known as boleadoras) is a type of throwing weapon made of weights on the ends of interconnected cords, used to capture animals by entangling their legs.
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928 likes. Bola English is a Facebook page dedicated to people who have learnt English at some point but have lost touch since. Perhaps because of a lack of opportunity to use the Bola English. 933 likes.

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English words for bolas include balls, bolas and balls-up. Find more Spanish words at wordhippo.com!

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