av E Ekblom-Bak · 2019 · Citerat av 20 — In addition, some studies have used non-exercise testing methods (Nes et al., 2014 from the standardized submaximal Åstrand cycle ergometer test in L·min−1, (Ekblom-Bak et al., 2019), with male gender, young age, short education and 


Ekblom-Bak test har en halverad individuellspridning av beräknad VO Ekblom B. A newsubmaximal cycle ergometer testfor prediction of VO2max. ScandJ 

Under del 1 av Ekblom-Bak test användes standardbelastning 0,5 kp under 4  E was also tested for physical fitness through Ekblom-Bak submaximal cycle ergometer test and back strength with Biering-Sørensens (BS) test. Results E  av T Andersson · 2014 — Elin Ekblom-Bak, a researcher at The Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences [1] Ekblom-Bak, E. m.fl. “A new submaximal cycle ergometer test for pre-. Ekblom- Bak (EB-test) test is a new submaximal cycle ergometer test for difference between the two submaximal cycle ergometer tests for calculating VO2max.

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You will be redirected to the full text document in the repository in a few seconds, if not click here.click here. A new submaximal cycle ergometer test for prediction of VO 2max Article in Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports · November 2012 Impact Factor: 2.9 · DOI: 10.1111/sms.12014 · Source: PubMed CITATIONS 10 READS 331 4 authors, including: Elin Ekblom Bak The Swedish School of Sport and Health Sc… 25 PUBLICATIONS 217 CITATIONS The aim of this study was to create and evaluate a submaximal cycle ergometry test based on change in heart rate (HR) between a lowe … Maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) is an important, independent predictor of cardiovascular health and mortality. In 2012, a submaximal cycle ergometer test (the original Ekblom-Bak test, EB-test2012) was presented, which estimates VO2max based on sex, age, and heart rate (HR) difference between a standard, low standard work rate, and a high individually chosen work rate (Ekblom-Bak et al. 2014) . Maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) is an important, independent predictor of cardiovascular health and mortality. Despite this, it is rarely measured in clinical practice.

with the Åstrand–Rhyming submaximal cycle ergometry test. The main 35 Ekblom-Bak E, Björkman F, Hellenius M-L, Ekblom B. A new submaximal cycle.

Exercise. GIH The EKBLOM BAK test a submaximal cycle ergometry test for estimation of VO2max The EKBLOM BAK test is a simple non maximal cycle ergometer test for  Ekblom-Bak test har en halverad individuellspridning av beräknad VO Ekblom B. A newsubmaximal cycle ergometer testfor prediction of VO2max.

Cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) is established as a strong predictor of health (Kodama et al. 2009 ; Harber et al. 2017 ). A single measurement of CRF is a stronger predictor for mortality than high blood pressure, smoking, obesity and type 2 …

Ekblom bak cycle ergometer test

21 The E-B has been shown to estimate o 2peak by using heart Ekblom-Bak E, Björkman F, Hellénius ML, and Ekblom B. A new submaximal cycle ergometer test for prediction of VO2max. Scand J Med Sci Sports, Epub 6 Nov 2012. 2020-04-24 The submaximal Ekblom-Bak cycle ergometer test (Ekblom-Bak et al., 2014; Björkman et al., 2016) was performed on a Monark 838E. Maximal oxygen uptake was estimated from the change in heart rate response to two submaximal rates of work, and measured using telemetry (Polar Oy, Tampere, Finland).

Ekblom bak cycle ergometer test

Maximal oxygen uptake was estimated from the change in heart rate response to two submaximal rates of work, and measured using telemetry (Polar Oy, Tampere, Finland). To further develop the Ekblom Bak-test prediction equation for estimation of VO2max from submaximal cycle ergometry. METHODS: RESULTS: The final sex-specific regression models included age, change in HR per-unit change in power (ΔHR/ΔPO), the difference in work rates (ΔPO), and HR at standard work rate as independent variables. submaximal cycle ergometer test for prediction of VO 2max by Ekblom-Bak et al., 2014; The qualitative content analysis process by Elo and Kyngas, 2008; Nominal group technique: an effective method for obtaining group consensus by Harvey and Holmes, 2012; Understanding 2max by Ekblom-Bak et al., 2014; The qualitative content analysis process by Elo and Bjorkman, F, Ekblom-Bak, E, Ekblom, O, et al. Validity of the revised Ekblom Bak cycle ergometer test in adults . Eur J Appl Physiol 2016 ; 116: 1627 – 1638 . inherent in maximal effort tests (Silva and Araújo, 2015).
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Ekblom bak cycle ergometer test

The first study described the test procedure for the new cycle ergometer test and the creation of an accompanying mathematical model … PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to validate the submaximal Ekblom-Bak test (EB-test) and the Åstrand test (Å-test) for an elderly population. METHODS: Participants (n = 104), aged 65-75 years, completed a submaximal aerobic test on a cycle ergometer followed by an individually adjusted indirect calorimetry VO2max test on a treadmill. Björkman F, Ekblom-Bak E, Ekblom Ö, Ekblom B. Validity of the revised Ekblom Bak cycle ergometer test in adults. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2016 Sep;116(9):1627-38.

Mijwel S, Cardinale D, Ekblom-Bak E, Sundberg CJ, Wengstrom Y and  Ekblom-Bak E, Hellenius M-L, Ekblom. B. A new submaximal cycle ergometer test for prediction of VO2max. Med Sci Sports Exerc.
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Ekblom, Björn [Editors: Björn Ekblom och Matts Halldin by Föreningen opuscula medica (Sweden)( Aktivt liv : vetenskap & praktik by Björn Ekblom( Book )

1627 - 1638 , 10.1007/s00421-016-3412-0 CrossRef View Record in Scopus Google Scholar Ekblom-Bak E, Hellénius ML, Ekblom O, Engström LM, and Ekblom B. Independent associations of physical activity and cardiovascular fitness with cardiovascular risk in adults. Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil, 2010. 17(2): 175-80.

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Referens: Björkman F, Ekblom -Bak E, Ekblom Ö, Ekblom B. Validity of the revised Ekblom Bak cycle ergometer test in adults. Eur J Appl Physiol. Accepted 5 June 2016.

Den nya ekvationen är en vidareutveckling av originalekvationen som publicerades år 2012, och har medfört att testets precision att beräkna VO2max har förbättrats. Dessutom har det valida spannet ökat, både vad gäller VO2max (19-62 ml·min-1·kg-1 för kvinnor och 24-76 ml·min-1·kg-1 för män) och ålder (21-86 år för kvinnor och 20-… In 2012, a submaximal cycle ergometer test (the origi-nal Ekblom-Bak test, EB-test 2012) was presented, which estimates VO 2 max based on sex, age, and heart rate (HR) difference between a standard, low standard work rate, and a high individually chosen work rate (Ekblom-Bak et al. 2014). In a mixed population with regard to sex, age, The EKBLOM-BAK test is a simple non-maximal cycle ergometer test for estimation of cardiorespiratory fitness (VO 2 max). It is low risk, easily administrated and requires neither advanced laboratory equipment nor expertise knowledge in work physiology.